RAILINK LTD, 1165-5555 Calgary Trail North, Edmonton, AB, T6H 5P9, others .....

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Company Name: RAILINK LTD
Status: Active
State: Alberta
Post: T6H 5P9
City: Edmonton
Address: 1165-5555 Calgary Trail North
Phone: 780-448-5855
Fax: 780-439-5658
Email: unknown
Contact President: Gordon Clanachan
Web site: unknown
SIC code: 4011 Industry group: Railroad Transportation, Business category: Railroads, Line-haul Operating
Overall: RAILINK LTD is a business categorized under railroads, line-haul operating, which is part of the larger category railroad transportation. RAILINK LTD is located at the address 1165-5555 Calgary Trail North in Edmonton, Alberta T6H 5P9. The President is Gordon Clanachan who can be contacted at 780-448-5855.
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