Liberty Law LLP, 10110 107 St NW, Edmonton, AB, T5J 1J4, legal services

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Liberty Law LLP

Company Name: Liberty Law LLP
Status: Active
State: Alberta
Post: T5J 1J4
City: Edmonton
Address: 10110 107 St NW
Phone: (780)784-7500
Fax: unknown
Contact Owner: Liberty Law LLP
Web site:
SIC code: 8111 Industry group: Legal Services, Business category: Legal Services
Overall: Liberty Law LLP is a business categorized under legal services, which is part of the larger category legal services. Liberty Law LLP is located at the address 10110 107 St NW in Edmonton, Alberta T5J 1J4. The Owner is Liberty Law LLP who can be contacted at (780)784-7500.
Description: Liberty Law - Criminal Lawyers Edmonton is a criminal law firm consisting of 11 lawyers with varying areas, well -placed to assist any client. Whether it’s mischief or murder, a driving or drug offence, domestic violence or allegations with international implications, you can have confidence that you will be well –served.
Payment: credit cards
Working hours: 24 hours

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