Company Name: E & E OILFIELD SVC LTD
Status: Active
State: Alberta
Post: T0C 1G0
City: Erskine
Address: Po Box 367
Phone: 403-740-6035
Fax: 403-742-6560
Email: unknown
Contact Owner: Perry Heitz
Web site: unknown
SIC code: 1389 Industry group: Oil and Gas Extraction, Business category: Oil and Gas Field Services, Nec
Overall: E & E OILFIELD SVC LTD is a business categorized under oil and gas field services, nec, which is part of the larger category oil and gas extraction. E & E OILFIELD SVC LTD is located at the address Po Box 367 in Erskine, Alberta T0C 1G0. The Owner is Perry Heitz who can be contacted at 403-740-6035.
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